Electric Hand Dryers Save More than Just Trees

Electric hand dryers are justifiably praised for their proven ability to save trees. When you consider the never ending cost of paper towels, the clean-up of that waste paper, the aggravation to patrons of empty paper towel dispensers and the cost of unstopping toilets and urinal drains clogged by paper towel vandals, it is easy to recognize that electric hand dryers are a solution to some big headaches and costs for facilities managers.

Electric hand dryers may cost more to buy but they are well worth the extra initial expense. Once they are installed they cost you hardly any money at all for years. Electric hand dryers have an added benefit that is not always recognized and is hardly ever calculated in terms of savings.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as countless public health advocates have acknowledged that the best way to prevent the spread of diseases from person to person is to wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap and to avoid unnecessary hand to hand and hand to mouth contact. Electric hand dryers, and for that matter any hands-free touch-free restroom apparatus, is just what the doctor calls for. If all restrooms were equipped with hands-free dispensers like electric hand dryers, the incidence of contagious disease transmission in the workplace would be greatly reduced.

If your employees are using the traditional paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers instead of electric hand dryers and automatic soap dispensers then you are probably not taking advantage of one of the easiest preventative measures available to reduce lost productivity and lost money caused by sick leave. Do not underestimate the causes behind employee sick leave - often it is a result of poor restroom sanitation in your own facility.

See our detailed comparison on hand dryers vs. paper towels.

Electric hand dryers may not be a panacea for employee sick leave but they can be an integral part of the cure. If you do not already have electric hand dryers in your restrooms - rethink the advantages of touch free and waste free. Not only can an electric hand dryer save you a lot of bucks and save a tree, it could also keep you and your employees well.